WELCOME to the NEDCASH SpeakEasy Page
 The Quiet One


Greetings to all who are curious enough to want to take a look at these pages, to those who liked it the first time round and just can't get enough and of course to those who have contributed and maybe just want another look at their work.
The SpeakEasy name was chosen to enourage as many as possible to put forward a point of view on any subject. The first entry, a witty report on a residential course, is just one type of entry we would like to receive.
The mechanism to post your entry is relatively simple, since there is no way for you to directly post to the SpeakEasy. What we would ask you to do is to either send us your work in writing (e-mail, snail mail, sneaker-net, it doesn't matter) or telephone or call in to the NEDCASH office, you'll even get a cup of tea or coffee for your trouble.
Don't forget the Guestbook if you want to make any comments about the website. You can link to that from the Home Page. But enough holding you back. Click the link below and start browsing SpeakEasy.

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